How Does Geofencing In Albuquerque Integrate With A Home Security System?
Today's smart security options are getting more capable every year. Even so, you may still neglect to perform basic security duties like arming your home security, lowering the garage door, or even securing your front door.
How would you feel if you no longer needed to worry about these things ever again? When utilizing geofencing in Albuquerque, you can simply leave the driveway and make your home security system secure your home for you.
What is Geofencing In Albuquerque For Home Security Systems?
Geofencing draws a virtual border along the sides of your residence, which you are able to arrange in your smartphone app. The technology then utilizes your mobile device to see when you go beyond the border and then initiates pre-programmed actions or notifications.
How Does Geofencing Work?
Geofencing is made possible by z-wave, a protocol for wireless communications that smart devices take advantage of to share information with one another. The technology aids your security system by putting all elements onto one, unified network. You can then draw specific boundaries along the perimeter of your house and designate particular actions as you move beyond the prearranged border line.
For example, shortly after you exit your driveway, you may instruct your security system to engage door locks, close the garage, and arm your alarms. Conversely, when you arrive home for the evening, geofencing can notify your system to disarm alarms, open the garage, activate lighting, and even change your smart thermostat.
These are several of the devices you will be able to command with geofencing:
● Smart lights and outlets
● Smart thermostats
● Surveillance cameras and your system’s alarm
● Electronic devices such as speakers or TVs
● Garage door sensors
Geofencing, Scheduling, And Scenes Are All Possible With ADT Control
Geofencing is just one way you can use your property’s security system in Albuquerque. With the mobile app, you can do a lot with automation. With just a few taps of your phone, and you are able to:
● Program schedules: program your smart components to operate at the times of your choice. Direct various lights to dim to tell you that it's time to turn in for the night, or deactivate your home’s alarm the first thing in the morning.
● Define how devices react to one another: Make particular devices activate when another element is triggered. Instruct your thermostat to activate the fan when the fire alarm trips. Or turn on your hall’s smart light when your surveillance system detects abnormal activity in the yard.
● Preprogram scenes: Make scenes featuring various devices that function in concert with each other. Make your lighting switch off, the thermostat go down, and the smart door locks engage at the end of the day. Or set the mood for movie night with preset light and thermostat settings.
● Protect your home with geofencing: There may be times when you fail to arm the security system as you're hurrying to get out the door. With geofencing capability and your smartphone, you'll never forget to arm the system and put down the garage door.
Get Started with Geofencing in Albuquerque
Whether you’re looking for added reassurance of a safe, secure home whenever you drive away or you would like to automate your smart home technology, geofencing will make things easier. Talk to one of our representatives today at (505) 317-6311 or send in the following form to get started on your optimal security system.